Salacious Gods

“Oalevlukk” (Hammerheart Records, 2023)

For a while now I have drifted away, to a certain point, from the raw and visceral Black Metal I was used to. Those recordings full of dust and mold, buried in ancient tombs. Well, you get it. Haunting and claustrophobic melodies and atmospheres were a must, and mandatory for me to even accept it as real Black Metal. Absurd, I know. Truth is, I have been looking, more and more, for recordings that still hold that flame alive, but of more immediate absorption. Explaining: take a band like Black Cilice. This is an entity – more than just a Black Metal project – that lives off of your darkest emotions, it is not for everyone, and will never be of easy and immediate absorption and understanding, period. No need for further justifications, for I believe some Black Metal fans will understand my words and never take it as an insult. I do live quite well between these two sonic realities (Raw Black Metal and Black Metal, and yes, I do segment them, sorry), for both compose my Black Metal essence, in a way and not sounding arrogant.

I have a few bands I want to discover more about, as well as live their music to a larger extent, and Salacious Gods, a Dutch quintet, is one of them. “Oalevlukk” is a very consistent and strong piece of Black Metal, and their sound is this beast of Melodic Black Metal, of straight to the throat hits, great guitar riffs and a very powerful voice. As I have stated more than once whenever I comment on Black Metal which sounds from days of Past: this sounds Old, yet marvelous. It does sound like bands from the 90ies and all that innocence.

The album has great dynamics and a very solid flow. Consistent guitar riffs and thunderous drums that capture that evil and aggressive soul you want to project onto others. The Dutch Black Metal scene has always offered us special projects, like Urfaust and Denial of God, just to name 2 opposite – in a way – examples of the quality in the scene. Infinity and Vall are 2 excellent examples of how good the Dutch scene is, and this release by Salacious Gods is a powerful specimen of Melodic Black Metal. Very straight to the core, packed with melody after melody, well-produced, all is audible… well, very far from the Black Metal I identify with the most, but a great album, nonetheless.

Hammerheart Official Bandcamp


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