Sardonic Witchery

“Wrath in Blasphemy” (Tape, 2023) & “Barbaric Evil Power” (LP, 2024)

(Nekrogoat Heresy Productions)

Black Metal, as a genre, is known for being very strict and maintaining older structures (one can always use the word “original”), which makes it, almost, a hermetic art form. Outside influences are seen, at times, as cancerous elements that infiltrate a pure system, eating it from the inside. Metaphors aside, I do believe this idea has a point, and it should be kept; however, I do not shy away from new things, new perspectives, and new creations. And although I may not accept some of those changes, I feel artists should experiment and follow their own path. I have said this before, but I whole heartly believe Black Metal is the genre with the broadest spectrum for experimentation.

On the other hand, we have musicians that remain true to the genre after decades and decades of allegiance, and today, I tend to lean into those musicians for the sound I love. Call me old man, call me orthodox, but please call me Black Metal fan. Sardonic Wrath, ruled by King Demogorgon, has been blasting our ears with Old School Black Metal since his early days in StockMorto, later Infernal Kingdom. Once Infernal Kingdom was put to rest, KD went on to assemble Psychothrone (with Naamah Satana from the deceased Infernal Kingdom), and play in Nocturnal Wolf and Judas Goat, both from Dallas, Texas, to where he relocated. King Demogorgon also plays bass, live, for Cryfemal. So, a very knowledgeable musician. Oh, he is also part of Drunk Mötör Rider, a Black & Heavy act! Killer!

2023, September 22nd was the chosen date to release Sardonic Witchery’s “Wrath in Blasphemy” tape, a sort of prelude to what was to come in early 2024. What do we have here? Quite simply, Old School Black Metal. And this is what I love about KD’s work: his sound is not a complex one, nor it is a reinvention of the genre, his sound is an homage to older days of the genre. And do we, the fans, want that? Well… I do, more and more. I am one of those that want the genre to remain as closest as possible to what was done in the Past, although I am also able to “fall in love” with those that address it differently (DHG’s latest one is an amazing piece of Dark Black Metal). This tape is composed of 3 new tracks, and 1 live track. These 3 new tracks were presented to us in their rawest form, in their original form, just to give us a glimpse of what was to come, and it came out amazing.

“Barbaric Evil Power” starts off with an Intro, an intro I was not expecting to hear from KD. Sounds odd and misplaced, with this almost electronic, danceable beat, but he keeps on pushing his approach to music, and it was a hell of a slap, I will tell you that. “Sacrificial Storm Ritual”, one of the songs from this release that were anticipated, is present here in a cleaner form, which allows the song to “breathe” and grow in all its power and intensity. Honestly, Sardonic Witchery at its best. We get this Rock n’ Heavy feeling from the guitar solo, and it is a blaster, no doubt!

All in all, Sardonic Witchery crafted this beast of a record, very true to the Old School Black Metal sound, while adding small doses of groove, and an almost Black n’ Roll atmosphere. Sardonic Witchery is one of those acts in which we can completely trust for quality in Black Metal, especially if you are avid consumers of the oldest sounds of the genre.


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