Melancholie... as Serenas Melodias de um Primavera Condenada (2.ª Review)

Ora bem, à semelhança do apresentado no post anterior, arriscou-se mais uma review. Não por obrigação, mas sim pelo prazer de pôr, em palavras, sentimentos que me chegam através de cada uma daquelas notas musicais.
Muito haveria a dizer acerca do mentor do projecto, mas como nunca quis que este blog se tornasse mais uma página de WikiData, limitei-me ao essencial: a Música (e esta compilação de temas que teveo seu início criativo no ano de 2015, e o seu término em 2020).
Espero que a audição deste conjunto de temas torne a vossa "clausura" muito mais agradável, vos leve a descobrir nova música, a criar música, a escrever ou, simplesmente, a criar!

Melancholie – “The First Shimmers of Spring's Sun” (2020)

Spring is here, and the World has stopped. Life has stopped. All our human existence has been put to hold. Why?! For reasons that go beyond our abilities to understand. Well, we do understand, we simply have a truly hard time understanding how we got this far, how we cope with living a mandatory isolation… while the Sun shines outside.

But, at the same time, we do not stop, we were not put on hold, and we have to understand all the gimmicks that control one’s life, for Life has to endure. It is a bit going round in circles: stop, but can’t stop, must carry on. And for all this we must have a soundtrack. Something that cheers you up, but makes you think of Life and all the unknown reasons that circle around our existence.

And that led me to Robbert V. Rmnd, a man with multiple musical personalities. I had the true pleasure of meeting him last year, during Invicat Reqviem Mass. We exchanged Demo Tapes, we talked a bit about Music, and Life carried on its path. Besides creating musical images in various forms, Robert is the brain behind Consistentis Veritatis Peremptoria ( Please, do check their releases!

But, the topic of these words is Melancholie and its latest offering. “This album compiles all dreampop/shoegaze/'blackgaze' works done under the moniker of Melancholie, ranging from as early as 2012 to this year. Finally, all of these works have found their proper place on this release. In honour of the dawn of Spring and our current bid to observe it mostly from our windows.” ( These words describe, perfectly, my emotions towards these musical pieces. With instruments, alone, Robert is able to pass on, to the listener, a million and one emotional states, and bring back memories of darken and, at the same time beautiful, moments. It lives within the Alcest “bubble”, but limiting it to said band does not respect the integrity, nor the length of the music. It has some Post Rock vibes to it, as well, but it is mostly a beast of its own. Lives on, without the need of holding on to labels and genres; it is music to contemplate your surroundings.

Crafting splendours and intricate musical moments is truly a work of art. Delicate guitar passages, so similar to Spring’s late afternoon breeze, a soft caress on a gentle skin, a romantic whisper, and all put together into songs. May these tunes carry us into better days.


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