Money - “Money” (2022) 

Now this was a very curious finding, as well as an excellent one. The 90ies, as I have said more than once, were a tremendous era for music. No matter how much you curse what was done in that decade, artists found inspiration everywhere they went, in everything they did… it was massive. The 90ies were a time of experimentation, of trying out what was never done, and that was one of the dynamics of Arts throughout the decade. And then you had those musicians who simply were more than others. Not necessarily more skilled, but more inventive and less afraid to risk. The whole Grunge scene was proof of that. Ok, Grunge was a mash of styles, nevertheless, it was a step towards an unknown direction.

And then we have Money, a Post Alternative band from Oakland City, deeply into Deftones’ “White Pony” and most of what came afterwards. However, these are my words, not the band’s, so take them as an opinion. The band’s sound does not limit itself to copying what Chino’s band did - and still does - but to recapture a bit of what was done in the late 90ies, perhaps. Alternative Rock and some hints at a softer, more polished, Grunge. The drums are huge as Hell! This does stand out, obviously, and it has such an important role in guiding the music. The guitars are straight up melodic and mellow until they break into a 90ies Alternative Rock attack, reminiscent of Incubus and, you guessed it… the Deftones. Man, “Down4Ever” has a riff that would fit “Around the Fur”, perfectly! It is absurd how much that riff is a Deftones riff! I might even have a vision of a Mike Einziger playing the guitars for “S.C.I.E.N.C.E.”, and it would look nice and upbeat!

Money has this cool overall 90ies vibe. It touches influences that suit my taste and does it with class. Not a Nu-Metal band, not a Grunge band, not a Pop band; their sound is easy to listen to without being cheesy and hollow. I read somewhere that someone “found” the Smashing Pumpkins in the band’s sound. Not totally convinced of that, but that would be an excellent choice as well. 90ies Smashing Pumpkins is superb. In general, Money has a great sound, very well-structured and appealing, and the responses I got from my mate when I sent him the link proves that these guys are a win on nostalgia. Love the 90ies.

Money Official Bandcamp


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