Thank you very much for the opportunity. Before we jump to the new record, may I please ask you to give us an insight into this adventure initiated back in the 90ies. How was the Turkish scene back then?
In the 90s, everything was too wonderful to be described in words. It is really sad that with the change of time, we will never be able to return to those days again.
It was a time when Heavy metal was making a splash in Turkey. Of course, we were dangerous types in society at that time. We were getting reactions from the media and the public because we were extreme types. There were no good venues for the bands to play and the bands were organizing concerts with their own facilities. But no reactions and inhibitions could keep us from our passion for this music. Our ambition and commitment to this music have made us resistant to reactions and obstacles. These were difficult days, it was not easy to overcome them, because those who had a passion for this music did not give up this battle.
10-15 people used to get together and listen to music together. We were all very curious about music at that time, we used to buy and read metal magazines every time they came out, and we used to buy and listen to every album that came out. Everyone was learning something new from someone else. Because there was no social media, we were learning about bands we didn't know about from someone else. Everyone was listening to the albums they borrowed from each other by making cassette recordings. When we bought a new album, we were excited to listen to it and we wanted to go home and listen to the album as soon as possible. Every day was spent talking about albums and bands. And going to concerts was very important for all of us.
There is a lot to be said, it doesn't end with telling for the 90s. Everything was primitive, but everything was natural and sincere in the name of music. We established the best and most sincere friendships during that period, and our friendships from that period still continue.
90s will never come back and there will never be a generation that will live
the culture of the 90s again. We are proud to pursue and continue the legacy of
those who came before us.
What were your motivations to start a band?
When forming the band, we discovered that we had similar musical tastes and expectations. After that, the fact that we wanted to express our passion for this music, to express our inner feelings in music and words motivated us when forming this band.
lead to your 2004 breakup, and how did it influence the way you started looking
at the concept of a band and human relations? Did it make you change your
perspective in any way?
The band members were attending university at that time, and when they finished university, the band broke up because they wanted to continue their active life in different activities other than music. After the breakup of the band, I didn't want to start a band and make music again because of the psychology that I would experience the same things again. Nothing has changed in my human relationships, I've just stayed away from the idea of starting a band and making music. Besides that, my life was going on normally.
Continuing with the topic above: why did it take you so long to return? What fueled your return?
When I took a break from everything musically, I didn't feel like making music, so I sold my guitar and all the music equipment, and just as a listener and as everyone does, work, home. I continued my normal daily life as such. I just didn't have a band in my life and I lived this way for many years.
Later, my close friends (one of them is Durmuş) insisted me to re-establish the band, and as a result of their efforts, they managed to convince me by activating my passion to continue making music, and I re-established Sermon. I'm very happy to be back in my musical life again because it's great to have idealistic friends like me in the band and I really believe that we will do better things with them right now.
You sound like you were still in the 90ies, which is a massive compliment. Do you extract any sort of inspiration from today’s Death Doom scene, or do you see it as very distant from your personal taste?
Thank you for the compliment. Aren’t we in 1995 actually? :) Kidding aside, we are still living like we are in the 90s. Nothing really changed in our lifestyle since then. We are still listening to those stuff. For today’s Death/Doom, we are not intensely into the new scene. Of course we follow the new developments, but nothing is like the old taste.
Inspiration-wise, what inspires you to create the music you create? What inspired “Till Birth Do Us Part”?
The music we listen to always has an impact on the music we make but it is not limited with Doom metal. We listen to almost every type of music. Inspiration is not only limited with the music we listen to, but there are inspirations we get outside of music as well. The books we read, the movies we watch, what is happening around us and in the universe, the positive or negative events we experience etc.
Now that you have returned, can we expect more from your side?
Definitely. We have already started writing new songs for the next album. We are also trying to keep in touch with promoters to play live in different places as much as we can.
Thank you very much for your time and words. Till we talk again. Cheers.
We also thank you for your good questions and this interview. We hope we will play in your country one day and it will be great to meet you there. Greetings to everyone there.
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