“Therizo” (Debemur Morti Productions, 2023)
I have strayed away from a “cleaner” Black Metal sound awhile back and descended into the pits of the rawer and visceral facet of the genre, to only respond to haunting and terrifying melodies and sounds; the dirtier of the dirty, the uglier of the ugly. That was my Black Metal. Truth be told, I was not brought up on such a “disgusting” sound, but on that 90ies Black Metal sound. Some might argue that it was still dirty and raw, but I dare to differ… to some extent.
However, 2023 has brought back up that appreciation I have for a more melodic Black Metal, one that is reminiscent of the 90ies (although never totally, of course) and of days of old. And the biggest difference tends to be in the sound, not that music itself. Imagine if Vetala decided to “clean up” their sound, how would that sound? Interesting… with that, I came across Taubra, a band I had never heard of, but that has in its formation musicians from acts like Malphas, Aara, and Porta Nigra, among others, so these lads know what they are doing, and they are doing it pretty well. Taubra is a Swiss/Norwegian trio, that started out in 2022, and that only this year released any music: 2 singles and now their Full-length, “Therizo”.
“Therizo” is a 41-minute blast of good Black Metal, period. Not tremendously soft, it has this power, fire in the gut, if I may. Not overly aggressively as well. I feel it has the right amount of both: melody and violence. I love the production, love the sound the band and producer achieved. And love the little details the music has. Not filler, but perfect addons to the music, making it even more majestic. A grandiose sound, grandiose atmospheres, and melodies; but, thankfully, never going beyond a certain limit of “acceptability”. Explaining: the band risked, at times, to “overdo” certain moments, ran the risk of making those same moments more mellow than what the music was asking for, but very wisely, they deflect and on we go again. Tremendous, honestly.
One of the
best things about this record is how dynamic it is, and the music easily flows.
The drumming is, in my opinion, a pivotal point in achieving that flow, in
having that tempo and pace. The guitar is packed with melody, strong and
powerful melody. Overall, this was a massive surprise, and a very pleasant
album to listen to. It went into a loop, and it stayed with me throughout the
day. Massive, massive, massive…
Debemur Morti Productions Official Bandcamp
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