“Negros Desígnios da Eternidade” (Nekrogoat Heresy Productions, 2023)
There are bands that go much of their life span living in obscurity and shadows, and not that their music lacks quality, but because life has never taken them on different paths. Is it correct to state that about Cavemaster? Crafted in 2016, Cavemaster was idealized by Paulo Bucho, Mário Rodrigues, and Lino Mateus. Filipe Correia was added in 2018, and Sofia Bouchinha came in as keyboard player.
Allow me to start off stating that the keyboard make all the difference in the band’s overall sound, and how it adds stellar details to the music, although I am not a connoisseur of their music. I was sent the promo for the new record (thank you very NGH) and gave it a go. This has never been a band I gave much of my time to, but I truly feel this release might change my idea of them. Again: love the keyboards and how it treats the music, how it gently caresses the music, making it whole, if that makes sense (hopefully it does).
Cavemaster is a Black Metal band, and their music clears it quite well, and immediately. Not an aggressive approach to the sound, but I have never been a fan of such; the Portuguese lyrics give it that extra, you know? More depth and an almost melancholic side. The title track is clearly a Portuguese Black Metal tune! Why, you ask. No clear answer I have, but it is one of those things you just feel…
This is a very solid release, and
Nekrogoat Heresy picked up knowing that this was a more than valid release. It
has all the elements one loved about the genre, especially if you grew up with
90ies Black Metal! Overall, I believe this release has a lot of the sound of
the Past, a rich fusion of the Past and the Present, and the result is “Negros
Desígnios da Eternidade”, another example of how important and pertinent the
Portuguese Black Metal scene truly is.
Nekrogoat Heresy Productions Official Bandcamp
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