Adaga “Das Ruínas do Ser” (Altare Productions, 2022) (originally written for Black Metal Daily) The Portuguese Black Metal scene is in constant evolution. Portuguese Black Metal musicians have this sensitivity that resonates deeply with the listener. It might come from our musical tradition, from our human perspective on life, from a deep and dark corner of our minds, but the fact is that we craft amazing examples of suffering through Music. Black Metal can sometimes emanate feeling of Hate and Pain. That visceral Anger that resides deep inside each one of us, that needs to escape and liberate the vessel from which he feeds, is present in the genre, it must be the core emotion the Artist chooses to place upon that Altar of Creation. Music does that to people. Music is the means though which we, mere mortals, expel our Heart and Soul; our Blood runs out of our Words, and our Thoughts, and our Existence. Black Metal has taught me that, Hardcore Punk has taught me that: Music is not j...
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